• Ophthalmology
  • Telemedicine
  • Dental
  • Audiology
  • Pneumatic Otoscope

    Pneumatic otoscope #20200, 3.5V halogen illumination with fiberoptic light transmission. Closed system with insufflator fitting is ideal for pneumatic otoscopy. Large magnifying lens can be easily retracted to facilitate use of instruments. The 39-7600 includes five polypropylene specula sizes 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, and 9mm.

    Cat. #39-7600

    Cat. #39-7605
    (Insufflator bulb and tube for 39-7600)

    Cat. #29-3345
    (Bulb, 3.5V halogen replacement for otoscopes 39-7500, 39-7510, 39-7600, and 39-7650.)